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Archives for July 2017

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The Emotional Mandate

I’ve been thinking about the importance of emotions in the Cristian life, and especially in worship. Some Christians have emphasized emotional experience to the point that almost no attention is given to right doctrine or right practice. Others, reacting against that trend, are suspicious of or embarrassed by any display of emotion in worship. However, God didn’t ju...

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Leaping from the Twilight Zone to New Testament

Well, I asked for it. Last week I invited you to submit suggestions for sermons on topics or passages that are of particular interest to you. Any topic or passage I consider myself to be somewhat competent to address, I will speak on. ...

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Lord, Show Me Your Ways

If you've ever had to dial 911 before, you know what an emergency feels like. You need help and you need it fast! One day Moses found himself in the middle of a huge emergency. ...

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