Oh, What a Relief It Is!
Romans 10 talks about man's responsibility. In particular is the issue coming up this Sunday - when it comes to salvation, your righteousness doesn't matter....
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April 30, 2013 | Category: Sermons | Tags: sovereignty, Romans, bible, Responsibility
Romans 10 talks about man's responsibility. In particular is the issue coming up this Sunday - when it comes to salvation, your righteousness doesn't matter....
Keep ReadingApril 24, 2013 | Category: Sermons | Tags: God, sovereign, will, bible, Responsibility
This week we come face to face with one of the most difficult questions in Romans 9: If God chooses some for salvation then how can He blame the other folks who do not believe? How do you reconcile the sovereignty of God with the responsibility of man?...
Keep ReadingApril 17, 2013 | Category: Sermons | Tags: Mercy, Romans 9, bible
This week in Romans 9:13-18, we'll see that God's mercy is free, not deserved. What's so upsetting about that? Well, by emphasizing the awesomeness of God's mercy, these verses actually deconstruct our sense of entitlement. But they also create a new sense of wonder and gladness and relief. It is such a relief to stop trying to make God behave the way we think he should be...
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