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Posts Tagged with "gospel"

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There's a Problem, But It's Not What You Think

It's true that many people today do not find the church appealing or relevant. But the problem with the church isn't with the gospel. And it isn't even ultimately with the church. The problem is somewhere else, and in Romans 10:14-21 Paul is going to put his finger right on it....

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This is What We Need

Whenever the Book of Romans is proclaimed from the pulpit, studied and revered by God's people, God brings reformation. Why is it that? One reason stands above all others. The book of Romans speaks with clarity and power about the gospel. This is what we need. We need reformation. We need the power of the gospel to continually transform us....

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A Matter of the Heart

The resurrection is central to the Christian gospel. The resurrection is central to all the facets of Christian doctrine. So if we could just submit all the convincing evidence that points to Christ's resurrection, then that should be enough to convert the world, right? ...

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